Important Note

  • Samsung Blockchain Technologies ETF (“Sub-Fund”) is to seek to achieve long-term capital growth by investing primarily in equity securities of companies which are actively involved in the development and/or utilisation of blockchain technologies. There can be no assurance that the Sub-Fund will achieve its investment objective.
  • Investment involves risk, including the fluctuation of the price of the Sub-fund and the loss of investment principal. Historical performance does not indicate future performance.
  • The Sub-Fund could be subject to certain key risks such as Investment risk; Active investment management risk; Equity market risk; Risks related to companies involved in blockchain technologies (including New technology risk; Security risk; Cyberattack risk; Intellectual property risk; Regulatory risk; Third party product risk; Reliance on the internet risk; Limited operating history risk; Semiconductor sector risk; Internet company risk; Software industry risk, etc.); Risks relating to investment in cryptocurrency futures ETFs (including high price volatility; high roll costs; liquidity and operational risks. etc.); Sector concentration risk; Risks associated with depositary receipts; Currency risk; Securities lending transactions risk; Other currency distributions risk; Distributions out of or effectively out of capital risks; Trading risks; Trading differences risk; Reliance on market maker risk; Termination risk, etc. Please note that the above listed investment risks are not exhaustive. Investors should refer to the prospectus, product key facts statement and other relevant documents of the Sub-Fund for details, including the product features, risk factors and distribution policy. Investors should not base on this material alone to make investment decisions.
  • The Manager may at its discretion pay distributions out of capital, or effectively out of capital, of the Sub-Fund, amounting to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment, resulting in an immediate reduction of the NAV per unit.
  • The product has been authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”). Authorization by the SFC does not imply official recommendation. This material is for reference only and does not constitute an offer or suggestion of any transaction in any products. This material is prepared by Samsung Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited and has not been reviewed by the SFC. If you are in any doubt about the content of this material, please refer to the prospectus, product key facts statement and other relevant documents for details, and seek for independent financial advice when necessary.

Product Video

What is Blockchain?

A blockchain refers to a peer-to-peer shared, distributed digital ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking tangible and intangible assets. Data are stored in the form of blocks in a blockchain where the blocks form a chain of record. Blockchains aid the transfer of information and property between users in a relatively efficient and secure way. Click here to know more about What is Blockchain?

Growth potential of Blockchain

Blockchain is estimated to generate $3.1 trillion in new business value by 2030, with the technology expected to see mainstream adoption by 2023.

Self Photos / Files - Blockchain-market-size-1-768x384

Source: The Insight Partners, as of 11 Feb 2022

Bitcoin: first real-world application of blockchain

Blockchain technology was first outlined in 1991 by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta. Bitcoin is the first real-world application of blockchain and uses blockchain as a means to transparently record a ledger of payments. [1] Today, there are more than 9,000 cryptocurrencies available for purchase over the internet. Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization. The global crypto market cap is over 2 trillion USD [2]

[1] Coinbase, as of Apr 2022
[2]  CoinMarketCap, as of 30 Jun 2024

Other application of Blockchain

Self Photos / Files - application-1-768x432Source: Investopedia, as of 5 Mar2022 Mosieri, Kevin. Why is funding for Blockchain Companies is up 79%, July 31, 2020

Why choosing Samsung Blockchain Technologies ETF

  • Hong Kong first global blockchain ETF
  • Invest primarily in around 40-60 global equity securities of companies that are actively involved in the development and utilisation of blockchain technologies
  • Capture the high growth potential of blockchain market
  • Invest in blockchain related technologies stocks and cryptocurrency futures ETFs

Source: Samsung Asset Management (HK) Limited, as of 30 Jun 2024